Residence construction

A residence is an exclusive single-family home characterized by a larger usable area, high-quality materials, and additional rooms that are intended to provide higher comfort for the residents. You can entrust the comprehensive construction of a residence to New House, a construction company with over 30 years of experience in the industry. Here you will learn about the step-by-step process of comprehensive residence construction.
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What exactly is a residence?

A residence is an exclusive residential house, usually single-family or multi-generational. It has a larger usable area, which allows for the creation of rooms that ensure higher comfort for the residents. Among these rooms, we can mention a library, a bathroom, a sauna, a conservatory, a TV room, a wine cellar, a recreational room, and a gym. A residence often includes a swimming pool. An indispensable element is also a garage. Residences can be designed in a wide range of styles. It can be a classical villa, a typical Polish manor house with an attic, or an exclusive multi-story house in a modern style. Contemporary residences must be comfortable, functional, and compliant with modern standards and requirements. They are often energy-efficient or passive buildings, utilizing modern heating systems, heat recovery, and renewable energy sources such as photovoltaics.

Choosing a building plot for a residence

A residence is a large house that cannot be built on every plot of land. The building plot must be appropriately wide and have specific development conditions determined by the local spatial development plan. If the plot is not included in the local development plan, the binding factor is the decision on building conditions. The plot should also be checked for water and ground conditions, which requires geotechnical soil testing. The comprehensive construction of a residence may involve the support of a construction company already in the stage of searching for and purchasing a suitable building plot that is tailored to the future residence construction.

Choosing a residence project: Ready project or individual?

Although investors often have specific expectations for a residence even before purchasing a building plot, it is most convenient to choose a project after checking the building plot. This way, we can ensure that the selected project can be implemented on the chosen plot. On our website, you can find thousands of ready-made house projects, including residence projects and other exclusive single-family homes. You can also choose an individual project created by an architect based on individual preferences. This way, it is easier to create a residence tailored to your specific needs.

Preparations and formalities before residence construction

Before the construction work officially begins on the site, there is a preparatory period. During this time, formalities with utility providers are taken care of, maps for design purposes are prepared, and the construction project is awaited. If you have chosen a ready-made project, it will undergo adaptation, which is the process of adjusting it to the specific building plot. Adaptation is also the last opportunity to make changes based on individual preferences. After completing all the documents, it is time to apply for a building permit. New House, as part of comprehensive residence construction, supports investors in handling all the necessary formalities.

Luxury residences: Construction step by step

After obtaining the building permit, preparations can be made for the start of construction work. They will be carried out according to the previously developed schedule and cost estimate. The comprehensive construction of a residence by New House is divided into stages. Below, in simplified form, we discuss all the steps of the residence project implementation.

Willa diamentowa

Step 1: Preparation of the construction site

Before starting the construction work, the plot needs to be properly prepared. It should be fenced off, usually using temporary fences or choosing one of the cheaper options, such as mesh. The construction site must have an appropriate information board. The investor must also appoint a construction manager (who can be a professional from the construction company) to keep a construction journal. It is also necessary to prepare a place for storing materials, a work zone, and a rest area for workers.

Step 2: Site leveling and earthworks

The construction site is cleared of unnecessary vegetation. Site leveling aims to obtain a flat and even surface for the upcoming work. If required by the water-soil conditions, the area may be leveled, lowered, or raised. Earthworks are carried out - the team excavates for foundations and necessary installation elements, as well as land development.

Step 3: Foundation construction

Comprehensive construction of the residence begins. The team sets and pours the foundations that will support the entire building. The type of foundation depends on the specific building requirements and water-soil conditions, including soil type, its consistency, stability, frost zone, and groundwater depth. Foundations are insulated and protected. Installation elements that will be concealed underground are also installed. After building the foundations, a blind floor screed is applied, and the foundations are carefully backfilled, sometimes requiring soil compaction.

Step 4: Wall and floor masonry

Load-bearing walls are erected on the foundations. For this purpose, blocks, hollow blocks, or bricks are used. If it is a two-story house or one with an attic, additional walls are built, and a floor slab is constructed. This stage of residence construction usually takes several weeks, with the exact duration also depending on weather conditions.

Step 5: Roof construction

The construction team proceeds to build the roof structure. If it is a pitched roof, the first step is to build a wooden truss, which serves as a framework for insulation and roofing. Prefabricated trusses, manufactured in a factory and delivered to the site as interconnected elements, are increasingly being used. The roof is insulated and waterproofed. Then, a decking is installed, on which the roofing material will be laid. Once the roof is covered with tiles, metal sheets, roofing felt, or other materials, it is considered the rough open state. Finishing works related to the roof, such as lightning protection system, gutters, and other elements, are also necessary.

Step 6: Installation of windows and doors

It's time to achieve the rough closed state. External doors and windows are installed, providing natural protection against weather conditions. A significant portion of the work can be carried out regardless of the weather, even during the winter season. When the weather permits, insulation of the house and completion of the external facade will be carried out.

Step 7: Developer's standard

Necessary installations are carried out in the house, including water, sewage, electrical, and heating systems. The walls are smoothed and prepared for plastering and painting. An important stage is the 'white assembly,' which involves installing bathroom fixtures, toilet compact units, and kitchen sinks. Typically, at this stage, the exterior of the building is also finished, including insulation with external plastering, if not done earlier. Works at the developer's standard stage may also include the construction of load-bearing walls and floor screeds.

Step 8: Turnkey finishing of the house

Finishing the house is a complex process that involves electrical installation, flooring, plastering and painting of walls and ceilings, installation of internal window sills, finishing of stairs, fireplace, and other structural elements. The scope of work depends on the conditions agreed upon between the investor and the construction company. An interior design project can be helpful for the execution of individual rooms.

Step 9: Land development

Comprehensive construction of the residence also includes work that needs to be done outside the house. Driveways, pathways, and garden paths are constructed, auxiliary buildings are erected, and lighting is installed. It's also time to build a permanent fence. Upon the investor's request, the construction company can also take care of lawn establishment and planting. The construction site is thoroughly cleaned, and the client receives a finished residence with a landscaped plot.

Step 10: Completion of house construction

Before moving into the residence, it is necessary to formally close the construction, conduct as-built geodetic inventory, and perform the necessary installation inspections. The construction manager closes the construction journal and assembles the documents that need to be submitted to the authorities when finalizing the investment. If the residence includes rooms used for business purposes (e.g., an office or workshop), obtaining a usage permit is also necessary.

Residence construction with New House construction company

New House construction company has over 30 years of experience. During this time, we have had the opportunity to build over 1500 different houses. Our luxury residence projects, individual residence designs, and ready-made house designs are highly popular. Additionally, we provide a 10-year warranty for our construction work. We have professional equipment and employ experienced and qualified professionals necessary for comprehensive masonry-based residence construction.

Our construction company's comprehensive residence construction includes all stages, starting from finding, verifying, and purchasing the building plot, through design work and formalities, to professional construction work according to the investor's requirements. Being a general contractor is a great convenience that saves time and provides the assurance that the investment is in good hands. With the help of New House construction company, you can easily realize your dreams of an exclusive residence. Please contact us via electronic communication means, especially email and phone number provided in the contact section.

The next stages of the construction of a turnkey residence in New-House

Ready residential projects

Residence is a luxury home that aims to provide residents with high living standards and additional space that can be used according to individual preferences. The first step towards fulfilling the dream of an exclusive home is, of course, the choice of a project. The New House construction company offers a variety of ready residential projects from reputable architectural studios. Here, every investor will find an optimal design adapted to contemporary norms and standards. These projects will certainly meet the requirements of our most demanding investors.

What are the characteristics of ready residential projects?

Residences are exclusive residential homes designed to provide residents with high standards. These homes are functional and durable, incorporating modern technologies to improve energy efficiency, among other features. Residential projects include a complete set of documents necessary for project realization, as well as all the paperwork required for the construction process.

What are the distinctive features of residences? Typically, they are homes with a large usable area, exceeding 200m2. Ready residential projects often include additional rooms such as a gym, study, workshop, wine cellar, TV room, recreation room, or music room. A spacious terrace is an integral part of a residence. In the case of multi-story houses, balconies, loggias, and panoramic terraces are also common. Residential projects often incorporate modern technological solutions to ensure high functionality, comfort, and low operating costs. Furthermore, they stand out from other houses with their unique styles, such as classical villas.

What to consider when choosing a residential project?

When choosing a ready residential project, it is important to consider several key factors. It is advisable to familiarize yourself with the local spatial development plan and the shape of the plot in advance. While the project can be adapted, it is not always enough to ensure its implementation on a particular plot. For example, if the building volumes cannot fit within the plot while maintaining the required distances, the investment cannot proceed. Therefore, when selecting a residential project, it is worth considering the following aspects:

  • Building footprint area and usable area - the first value indicates the size of the building footprint on the plot of land. The usable area represents the total interior area designated for everyday use.
  • Number of rooms and elaborate functional layout of interiors - it is worth familiarizing yourself with the general layout of the interiors, the number of bedrooms, the number of bathrooms, and additional rooms that can be used according to individual needs.
  • Garage area - car owners will certainly appreciate the possibility of parking their car in a garage. It is important to check if the residential project includes a garage and, if so, how many parking spaces it will have.
  • Materials and technological solutions - when examining the technical details of the residential project, check the materials that will be used for walls, roof, thermal insulation, as well as the technology for constructing floors, stairs, and other structural elements. It is also worth checking the ventilation system and the type of heating installation.
  • House style - residences can resemble modern villas, traditional manor houses, or classical dwellings. It is important to evaluate the style of the house and determine if it will harmonize well with the surroundings.
  • Cost estimation - on our website, you can find ready-made residential projects with cost estimations. Investors have the opportunity to assess the projected construction costs.

When analyzing the design of the residence, it is also worth taking into account the individual expectations of the household members, and these can be very different - from an additional office to work, through a swimming pool and gym, to a balcony and viewing terraces. It is worth remembering, however, that the finished design of the residence will still undergo adaptation, during which it will be possible to make changes.

Project for the plot or plot for the project?

If you already have a building plot, you will choose a residence project based on it. Here, you need to consider the dimensions and building conditions imposed on the investor by the local spatial development plan or the decision on building conditions. The adaptation of the project allows you to "fit" a specific project to a particular plot, ensuring that a building permit can be obtained. However, if you do not yet have a building plot, the second option may be a much better solution. First, you choose the project for your dream house, and then you search for a plot on which such a house can be built. However, this is a solution that may involve quite time-consuming searching.

Can a ready-made residence project be modified?

Ready-made residence projects can and should be modified. As we mentioned before, the project needs to be adjusted to the applicable building conditions and the characteristics of the plot. The key factors here are the terrain relief, dimensions of the plot, orientation in relation to the access road, as well as water and soil conditions that may affect the choice of foundations. The main goal of adapting the project is to customize it to the specific characteristics of the building plot.

During the adaptation process, it is also possible to incorporate changes requested by the investor. As part of the adaptation, you can modify building materials, remove or add balconies and other architectural elements, choose different technological solutions, or change the layout of interior walls. However, it's important to note that each change to a ready-made project incurs additional costs. In the case of many extensive modifications, the full adaptation of a residence project can cost over 10,000 Polish zlotys.

What elements does a ready-made residence project include?

Ready-made residence projects are comprehensive designs that consist of a descriptive part and a drawing part with diagrams, sections, and floor plans. A ready-made project often also includes a sample layout of the key furniture, which serves as a basis for further interior design. It is worth mentioning, however, that some design studios provide a sample arrangement of all rooms along with visualizations. A ready-made project also includes necessary documents, such as an energy performance certificate for the building.

Advantages of modern residence projects

Residence projects are dedicated to all investors who are planning to build an exclusive house with high standards. The construction company New House collaborates with many renowned architectural studios, which allows them to offer investors a rich gallery of ready-made projects. These projects are continuously updated and adjusted to the current norms and standards in the construction industry. One example is the WT2021 standards, which aim to increase energy efficiency and reduce the use of non-renewable energy sources in new homes. As a result, modern residence projects are very energy-efficient homes that generate lower operational costs. They are functional and practical homes, as well as durable and resilient to various factors.

Who can we recommend ready-made residence projects to?

The elevated standards of residences mean that the construction costs of such houses are correspondingly higher. Therefore, we can recommend residence projects to investors who expect a high level of comfort and functionality from their future home and are willing to allocate a larger financial investment for its realization. However, the advantage is that ready-made residence projects are readily available and can be physically obtained within a few days. This is a significant convenience compared to custom projects, which may require waiting for several months. Therefore, ready-made residence projects can also be recommended to investors who already have a specific start date planned for the construction work.

Comprehensive implementation of a residence project

Even the best residence projects require professional implementation to ensure the expected level of comfort and high standards for future homeowners. The construction company New House has been building solid and practical houses throughout the country for over 30 years. Residences are also available in our portfolio. As the general contractor, we support investors at all stages of project implementation - we help thoroughly assess the building plot, carry out project adaptation, and assist in handling necessary formalities. As a result, the implementation of a residence project will proceed much more efficiently and in a convenient manner for the investor. We provide a 10-year warranty for completed construction work.

Ready-made house projects: gallery with construction estimates

On the website of the construction company New House, you will find a rich catalog of ready-made house projects, including villa designs. These exclusive houses are designed to provide maximum comfort, larger usable area, and additional rooms that can be utilized according to individual needs. Importantly, our project gallery includes construction estimates, allowing investors to check the investment costs before purchasing a specific project. This makes it much easier to select a residence project that fits within the available budget.

Our construction company also guarantees comprehensive project adaptation. During this process, ready-made residence projects will be adjusted to the characteristics of the plot, and changes will be made to meet the individual expectations of the investor. The gallery of projects with construction estimates is extensive and includes residences in various styles, such as classical, traditional Polish, and modernist. We constantly expand our catalog by collaborating with reputable architectural studios. This ensures that every investor will find something fully tailored to their expectations.

Individual projects of luxury residences

Residences bring to mind large and exclusive homes that, at first glance, appear to be very functional and comfortable. And rightfully so, as these are the main principles of residences. Additionally, such homes are based on modern technologies that are meant to ensure greater energy efficiency and lower operating costs. The key aspect is for the residence to be tailored to the individual needs of the residents. The best way to achieve this goal is through an individual residence project created in collaboration with an architect.

What characterizes a residence?

A residence is a prestigious property characterized by a large usable area, offering its residents many additional rooms that can be adapted to individual needs. In terms of style, residences can be both modernist and classic, exemplified by traditional Polish manor houses or classical villas, which still enjoy considerable popularity among investors. Residences are based on high-quality building materials and modern technologies aimed at enhancing the functionality of such a structure.

As for the additional rooms offered by a residence, they often include a TV room, recreational room, library, study, studio, wine cellar, and gym. A residence often features a swimming pool and sauna as well. It is the investor with capital for building a house who determines the exact appearance of their future residence. Considering the complexity of these expectations, an individual residence project is, in many aspects, superior to a ready-made project. An individual project is nothing more than the investor's expectations and needs translated onto paper in the form of a construction plan.

How does an individual project differ from a ready-made one?

Ready-made house projects are readily available. Architectural studios create such projects with multiple investors in mind, who can acquire such a project instantly. Ready-made residence projects cost several thousand zlotys. However, such a project is not tailored to the specifics of the plot, and as a result, it needs to go through an adaptation process. Only in this way can a complete construction project be created, guiding the contractors in their work.

An individual house project is automatically assigned to a specific building plot. The architect takes into account the local development plan or building conditions decision, water-soil conditions, as well as the general layout of the building plot in the design. As a result, the investor receives a personalized project assigned to a specific plot. It cannot be resold to other individuals unless the building plot itself is also part of the transaction. The main advantage is that an individual residence project is created in close collaboration with the investor.

What are the advantages of an individual project?

Developing an individual project fully tailored to your expectations is possible. The investor decides on the size, number of rooms and bathrooms, as well as the choice of building materials and technologies. Essentially, the investor participates in the construction of the house from start to finish. However, designing a house is a highly responsible task that can only be carried out by an architect with appropriate qualifications. It is the architect who will handle the technical aspects of creating the individual project. When it comes to the concept of the house itself, the investor is the main initiator.

Another advantage is that an individual residence project is closely tied to the building plot. And plots can be problematic. Take, for example, a plot on a slope or a plot located on non-cohesive and unstable terrain. Such factors need to be considered during the adaptation of a ready-made project. However, in the case of an individual project, they are immediately taken into account. Thus, an individual project allows for the full utilization of the building plot's potential and the transformation of its weaknesses into strengths.

How to prepare for a meeting with an architect?

Many investors have specific expectations for their dream home, but when it comes to translating those expectations onto paper, it turns out to be much more challenging than anticipated. Therefore, it is worthwhile to prepare adequately for the first meeting with an architect. To do so, it is helpful to answer a few questions:

  • What is the total budget for building the residence?
  • How many rooms and bathrooms should the residence have?
  • What additional rooms do you expect?
  • What architectural styles do you like?
  • Where do you plan to build your residence?
  • What amenities should your dream home have?
  • What technologies do you want to incorporate into the residence?
  • Should the residence have additional space in case the family expands?

Conversations with an architect take up a significant amount of time because the architect wants to fully understand the investors' expectations. This approach helps to reduce the number of revisions that would be made after presenting the conceptual design. The concept is the foundation that visualizes to the investor how their expectations will manifest in the form of a finished home. Once such a concept is approved, the architect can proceed to the laborious and multi-stage process of developing the construction project.

How is an individual residence project created?

Creating a construction project is a time-consuming and multi-stage process that requires architects to possess extensive knowledge, skills, and experience. However, we can identify several key stages that make up the design phase:

Step 1: Investor's expectations - the investor is the main initiator of the project and decides on key aspects. The architect will strive to translate these expectations onto paper. Therefore, the first step is to thoroughly understand the investor's expectations and needs.

Step 2: Understanding the building plot - the investor familiarizes themselves with the available documents related to the building plot. Sometimes they visit the site in person to better assess the situation and find inspiration for further work.

Step 3: Conceptual design - the architect creates a kind of visualization that showcases to the investor how their dream residence will look. At this stage, the investor can make changes to key assumptions.

Step 4: Construction project - once the concept is approved by the investor, the architect proceeds with professional design work. This involves developing the descriptive part and the graphic part, including diagrams, sections, and floor plans. It also includes energy characteristics and technical design.

Step 5: Conclusion of collaboration - the investor receives a complete construction project. Minor changes can still be made, but their scope is limited. After finalizing the last revisions, the collaboration with the architect comes to an end.

At this point, the investor can submit the project to the architectural and construction department at the city hall to apply for a building permit. It is also advisable to start looking for a construction company that will be responsible for implementing the individual residence project.

Costs of implementing an individual project

Considering how exclusive a residence is as a building concept, investors who want to construct such a building usually have a larger budget at their disposal. Already during the design phase, one can realize that realizing such an investment requires significant financial resources. The costs of implementing an individual project depend on several factors: the size and complexity of the building, the number of changes made during the process, the complexity of the building plot, as well as the reputation of the architect. An architect's fee can reach up to 250 PLN per square meter, which means that creating an individual residence project from scratch can cost even tens of thousands of zlotys.

Waiting time for an individual residence project

Creating an individual project from scratch is a time-consuming and meticulous process. The architect is aware that this project must be fully tailored to the investor's expectations. Otherwise, revisions will be necessary, which will prolong the work time. For this reason, many architects who work on individual projects offer a specified number of changes included in the price. Once this limit is exceeded, additional changes can only be made with an additional fee. Surprisingly, this solution protects not only the architect but also the investor. The constant pursuit of something better is a common problem. And sometimes, striving for better can be the enemy of good. An investor who has a set number of changes included in the price tends to be more restrained in modifying the initial concept presented by the architect.

The waiting time for an individual residence project depends on the complexity of the entire building and the changes that will be made during the process. A skilled architect with the support of other designers can create such a project within a few weeks. However, it can sometimes take several months to wait for an individual residence project. Waiting time is likely one of the drawbacks of individual projects.

In what situations is it worth choosing an individual residence project?

Individual residence projects can be recommended to all investors who have a larger budget for building a house and can afford an expenditure of several tens of thousands of zlotys already during the design phase. It is also a good option for those who have specific expectations and are capable of creating their own project, but require the knowledge and experience of an architect. An individual residence project is also a suitable solution for owners of problematic building plots, where building a residence that meets specific expectations will require careful consideration, as well as for those who have spacious plots. In such situations, adapting a ready-made project would be too time-consuming and costly.

Implementation of an individual project with New House

New House, a construction company, offers comprehensive construction of residences based on individual projects. With over 30 years of industry experience, we have modern equipment and a skilled workforce. Our comprehensive house construction service includes support in the preparation stages, including house design. We collaborate with renowned architects, enabling us to deliver a high-quality individual residence project refined in every detail. Comprehensive house construction brings numerous benefits. Firstly, it relieves the investor of responsibility for many aspects, saving them a lot of time. The construction is carried out by experienced professionals who ensure full compliance with the presented project. On our website, you will find sample projects, including exclusive residences. An individual residence project is an excellent choice for investors who want to obtain a home fully tailored to their needs.

Hearing the word residence, most people think of houses straight from high society TV series, celebrity reports or famous businessmen.

Residence design - recreational and entertainment infrastructure in a residence

Residences are large, prestigious homes that exude an aura of exclusivity at first sight. An essential aspect of such residences is undoubtedly the appropriate recreational and entertainment infrastructure, which aims to ensure better health and well-being for the residents, as well as incorporate modern technological solutions. What rooms and elements are included in the infrastructure of a residence?

What features does an exclusive residence have?

Residences are luxury homes, often in a classical style, designed to provide residents with greater comfort. Therefore, an extensive recreational and entertainment infrastructure is essential, which includes both a terrace and a garden, as well as various leisure spaces within the house. Based on their purpose, we can distinguish several zones:

  • Outdoor recreation: includes a terrace, patio, veranda, as well as recreational areas in the garden, such as a gazebo or pergola. Optionally, a pool can also be included.
  • Entertainment zone: comprises all spaces designed for residents to have a good time, such as a TV room, game room, covered pool, and designated outdoor area for games and activities.
  • Sports area: residences often feature facilities for physical exercise, such as a gym, fitness room, and pool.
  • Relaxation zone: the residence should include spaces that help reduce stress, such as a spa, bathing room, music room, or library.

Of course, the specific preferences of the investor determine the zones that an exclusive residence will have. One thing is certain - such large homes allow for the planning of additional space for the necessary recreational and entertainment infrastructure.

Residence designs - a large terrace is an absolute essential

It is important to remember that before constructing a residence, we should plan for a spacious terrace, patio, or veranda where residents can enjoy warm evenings during the spring and summer seasons. This is the place for family barbecues and gatherings over a glass of wine. It is worth considering a pergola that provides protection from the sun and rain, as well as an outdoor fireplace that offers warmth during cooler seasons. Such a fireplace often has culinary applications and can serve as a grill. Next to the terrace, there can be a water feature or a pond. It is crucial to have functional lighting in this area. The terrace should offer a beautiful view of the garden.

Balconies and rooftop terraces

Residences are often modern multi-story houses or houses with usable attic space. In residence designs, rooftop terraces, covered verandas, balconies, or loggias can be incorporated on the upper floor. These are additional elements of the infrastructure that allow for outdoor relaxation. However, these elements also have practical applications. For example, a laundry room with access to a terrace or balcony can be included, allowing for natural drying of laundry that will later have a pleasant scent. From rooftop terraces, there is also the opportunity to enjoy the surrounding views.

Spacious pool in a residence

As an exclusive home, a residence almost always includes a swimming pool. This can be an outdoor pool located near the terrace, or an indoor pool situated in a large, glassed-in space where a gym or exercise room can also be arranged. Rooms with pools often offer showers, a sauna, or a jacuzzi. However, such a solution requires a basement in the house. The basement will house the technical rooms for the pool, as well as the pool basin itself. A slightly less complex and therefore more cost-effective option is an outdoor pool. However, it is more challenging to create an outdoor pool that can be used year-round.

Gym, SPA, and bathing room

Owners and residents of a residence often prioritize their health, as they know it is essential for effective functioning. Therefore, the recreational and entertainment infrastructure in a residence includes a sports area where a gym or exercise room can be located. Various equipment such as stationary bikes, elliptical trainers, treadmills, or strength training equipment can be installed. To make the fitness room more practical, it should be adjacent to a bathroom or bathing room. A sauna would be beneficial in this case, as it contributes to better health and well-being. Women, in particular, will appreciate a spa area where they can enjoy various skincare and relaxation treatments.

Entertainment rooms in a residence

A very popular recreational room found in many residences is a home theater. Contrary to expectations, a television is not necessary in such a room. Enthusiasts of the big screen would rather choose a projector and a large screen where they can watch their favorite movies and series just like in a cinema. Add to that the atmospheric lighting, which enhances viewing comfort without causing any disturbance, and of course, the audio equipment of the home theater. It provides the highest quality sound, creating an immersive experience. Entertainment rooms in a residence are also designed for social gaming. You can include a pool table, darts, a table for card and chess games, a space for jigsaw puzzles, and even a bowling alley. Large residences are homes where almost any type of entertainment room can be created.

Other recreational rooms in a residence

Ready-made house designs with a residence character are fully customized to meet the needs of the residents. They have the freedom to decide how the available rooms will be utilized. One can choose recreational rooms that promote the development of their passions and interests. It could be a music room with excellent acoustics, a library with a cozy reading area for books and magazines, a conservatory where one can spend time surrounded by beautiful plants, or a contemplation room designed to foster creative and reflective thinking.

Windows and Doors in Residences

Entrance doors and windows in a residence are crucial elements that contribute to the external aesthetics. However, in addition to their appearance, important factors such as durability, energy efficiency, safety, and functionality play a significant role. These are the key criteria that guide investors in choosing the appropriate windows and doors for their residence. What should you pay attention to? How much can the entire window and door joinery cost?

What features should good windows and doors have in residences?

A representative residence should be elegant in every aspect. It is best to opt for timeless solutions. In modern residences, large windows are dominant, providing ample natural light and contributing to an interesting and aesthetic appearance of the building. However, windows and doors should offer more than just an attractive look. Apart from appearance, there are four factors to consider when choosing windows and doors:

  • Security – considering that residences are exclusive homes, windows and doors must provide a high level of protection against intruders.
  • Energy efficiency – windows and doors in residences should have a low heat transfer coefficient, ensuring energy efficiency of the building.
  • Functionality – windows and doors should offer enhanced comfort, including their opening mechanism, size, and additional features.
  • Durability – windows and doors are a long-term investment. Therefore, it is important to consider the quality of materials used in their production.

Selecting the appropriate windows and doors is undoubtedly not an easy task. However, by understanding the key factors that have a decisive impact on the overall evaluation of windows and doors, and by seeking the assistance of qualified professionals from New House, you will certainly make a good decision.

Energy Efficiency in Light of WT 2021

Windows and external doors play a significant role in the energy efficiency of a building. It is worth mentioning the regulations of WT 2021, which have tightened the requirements for the types of windows and doors that can be used in new houses. According to these regulations, the heat transfer coefficient U for facade windows and doors should not exceed 0.9 [W/(m2K)]. For roof windows, the norm is slightly higher at 1.1 [W/(m2K)]. As for external doors, it is 1.3 [W/(m2K)].

The lower the U-value, the better the house will maintain its desired temperature. During the heating season, this means greater ease in retaining the heat generated, which required a certain amount of energy. Modern windows for residences often have a high solar heat gain coefficient (g-value), which indicates the amount of solar radiation that can pass through the glass and contribute to heating the interior. The energy efficiency of windows and external doors will affect the operating costs, so it is worth paying close attention to this aspect.

High Security is Essential

Windows and doors in a residence should provide a high level of security, especially since it is an exclusive home that may unfortunately be considered a potential target by burglars. Therefore, in addition to a good alarm system, it is important to invest in windows and doors that either prevent break-ins or at least effectively delay intruders. As for external doors, the absolute minimum should be RC4 class, which refers to burglar-resistant doors that offer resistance against more sophisticated tools and techniques for at least 10 minutes. RC5 and RC6 doors can prevent break-ins even with the use of power tools.

When it comes to windows, attention should be paid to two factors. The first is the durability of the glass against damage. The commonly used standard is PN-EN 356. In the case of residences, it is recommended to have at least P6B class glass, which can withstand multiple hammer or axe blows. Regarding burglary protection, the same six classes are applied as for external doors, but RC2 class is sufficient for windows. RC2 provides protection against attempted break-ins through window smashing or forced opening with tools. An additional form of protection used when residents are absent can be specialized burglar-resistant shutters.

Durability of Windows and External Doors

Windows and doors in residences are a long-term investment. There are three available materials: wood, aluminum, and PVC. For residences, aluminum is increasingly used as it is well-suited for the trend of large glazing, which should be durable and lightweight. The frames are properly protected against scratches. In classic styles such as a manor house, wooden or wood-like PVC windows are a good choice. When it comes to external doors, wooden doors still dominate. Particularly, double doors or doors with sidelights and glass inserts are a good choice. It is important to pay attention to the norms and quality standards that the manufacturer can guarantee for their products.

Functionality of window and door joinery

Windows and doors should also be highly functional. When it comes to doors, it is important to ensure they are wide enough to allow for easy moving in and out of large items such as furniture. It is also worth considering remotely controlled locks that can be opened with a card or mobile phone, which enhances security. As for windows, the way they open is a key consideration. For balcony windows, we have various options including casement windows, tilt and turn windows, sliding windows, folding windows, and even pivot windows. It is also important to check how roof windows open and whether they have ventilation functions without the need to fully open the window. Optimal solutions also include systems designed within the concept of a smart home.

Modern Design to Match the Style of the Residence

Only at the end do we focus on the appearance of windows and doors. It is certainly a very important element that influences the overall aesthetics of the entire building. Attention should be paid to the color of frames and doors, as well as the style in which they are designed. Decorative doors for a manor house look different from minimalist doors for a modernist residence. When it comes to windows, you can also choose the tint of the glass panes. In areas exposed to sunlight, investors sometimes opt for anti-glare glass, which reduces the problem of being dazzled by sunlight. The catalog of manufacturers is so extensive that it is easy to find windows and external doors fully customized to individual needs.

How much does full window and door joinery cost in residences?

For an average single-family home, the cost of complete window and door joinery including installation is in the range of 20,000 to 25,000 Polish złoty. However, modern residences often use higher-quality windows and doors that have a higher anti-burglary rating, better insulation properties, and greater durability. As a result, the total cost of full window and door joinery in such an exclusive home can be over 50,000 Polish złoty. The final price depends on the individual expectations of the investor - the more features and modern solutions, the higher the price will be.

Outdoor and Indoor Pools

Individual designs of single-storey or multi-storey residences are often equipped with a swimming pool. This is a part of the infrastructure that provides relaxation and entertainment for the residents. Investors planning to build a residence should consider choosing the optimal solution. There are outdoor pools and indoor pools available, and the most luxurious residences can have both options. What should be considered during the pool design phase? What should be the usable area of the pool? How to maintain energy efficiency? What other aspects should be taken into account when exploring residence designs with pools?

Outdoor and Indoor Pools in Residences - Why Include Them in Your Residence?

The pool design significantly enhances the prestige of the property and provides additional leisure and entertainment space for the residents. A sufficiently large pool enables regular swimming, which is considered one of the healthiest forms of physical activity. The pool can also be a great asset during the summer, offering a place to cool off. From a purely pragmatic standpoint, a pool is an element that significantly increases the value of the property, which is important information for investors who may consider selling or renting out the residence in the future.
A residence is a home that is intended to offer numerous amenities and a high standard of living. A pool is undoubtedly an element that can positively impact the comfort of the residents, providing a place for relaxation as well as physical activity. Therefore, during the design phase of the residence, it is worth considering incorporating a pool. One of the key considerations will be choosing between an outdoor pool and an indoor pool.

Indoor Pool or Outdoor Pool?

In the most luxurious residences, multiple pools can be found, including both indoor and outdoor pools. However, in the vast majority of cases, investors choose only one of the above options. The main criterion is, of course, the individual expectations regarding the use of the pool. If the investor expects a year-round pool that can also be used in winter, an indoor pool is definitely the better choice, although it requires higher financial investment and proper design.
On the other hand, an outdoor pool is usually designed for use during the spring and summer seasons when enjoying the outdoors. This is a much less costly solution that also blends nicely with the garden landscape. However, it is more challenging to maintain the cleanliness of an indoor pool. Therefore, each of the above options has its pros and cons, and each investor must decide for themselves which solution is more advantageous. Below, we discuss the key advantages and disadvantages of indoor and outdoor pools.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Indoor Pools

Let's start with indoor pools, which are intended to be used year-round. In many cases, this is a separate section of the residence built in the form of a glassed hall. A crucial aspect is the selection of appropriate windows, which should have low heat transfer coefficient and a high solar radiation coefficient to utilize sunlight for heating the pool water. Solar panels installed on the roof of such a hall are often used for this purpose and play a crucial role in the water heating process, helping to reduce operating costs.
It should be noted that an indoor pool requires a house with a basement. The pool basin, along with utility rooms, filters, and other necessary equipment for maintaining the pool in proper condition, are located on the lower level during the construction phase. The advantage of an indoor pool is its functionality. It can be used year-round, maintaining water cleanliness is not a major problem, and there are no issues with environmental contaminants.
It is also possible to plan space for a gym, dry sauna, jacuzzi, and a spa area near the pool. The downside, however, is the cost - an indoor pool requires a larger area of the house, and constructing the necessary enclosure is not cheap. Furthermore, there may be issues related to construction regulations imposed by local spatial development plans.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Outdoor Pools

Outdoor pools are undoubtedly cheaper and simpler to construct. They do not need to be permanently fixed to the ground, as there are also portable pools available to investors. In the design concept, an outdoor pool is intended for use during the spring and summer seasons, but with a water heating system and proper covering, such a pool can also be used in cooler periods of the year. Concrete pools, which can be tiled, are most commonly used, while polyester and polypropylene pools are slightly cheaper options.
An outdoor pool is usually planned near the terrace to create a cohesive recreational and entertainment area. There is also a more pragmatic reason - it is easier to provide electricity and lighting for a pool located near the house. Electrical power is needed, for example, for the operation of filters responsible for water purification. The downside of outdoor pools is that they are not suitable for use in winter without heating, and uncovered pools are more susceptible to environmental contaminants such as dust, sand, leaves, and bird droppings.

What to look for when choosing a pool?

The construction of an outdoor swimming pool is much cheaper and this is usually the main factor that makes many investors choose this solution. At the design stage, it is worth choosing the place where the swimming pool will be built. This place should be sunny and away from tall vegetation, which is a source of pollution. Most often, the outdoor pool is located in close proximity to the terrace, and is even an integral part of it. From purely technical issues, you should choose the material from which the pool will be built. You can choose from a polyester, concrete or polypropylene pool.
At the design stage, it is also worth considering how the pool will be used and what are the necessary elements of equipment. Of course, an outdoor pool cannot do without filters responsible for water purification. A good idea may be a glazed roof, which will protect against pollution, and will allow you to use the sun's rays more effectively to heat the water. The investor must also make a decision regarding the choice of material that will surround the pool. It can be wood, tiles, cubes or natural stone.

How to choose the right swimming pool for a residence?

The individual needs of the investors determine the type of swimming pool that should be equipped in a residence. With a sufficiently large budget and a bigger building plot, it is worth considering an indoor pool, which is simply more functional and also allows for the creation of a whole leisure and entertainment complex around it. A more budget-friendly solution, on the other hand, is an outdoor pool in the garden, which can be built without worrying about the formalities associated with building a house. It is advisable to discuss the topic of the pool with an architect during the adaptation of the project or when creating an individual residence design.

Landscaping around the residence

A beautiful and representative residence should be surrounded by an aesthetically matched garden. The final impression of the property is also influenced by the fencing, the layout of pathways, the various landscaping elements, and the selection of vegetation. Therefore, landscaping around the residence should be based on a design that takes into account both technical, logistical, and aesthetic aspects. It can be confidently stated that the garden is, in a way, a calling card of the residence. Of course, we must not forget that it should comply with the conditions specified in the local spatial development plan.

Key elements in spatial development

Landscaping encompasses various areas, starting from technical aspects such as individual connections on a given plot, underground installations, and other technological solutions that are necessary for the proper use of the residence, and ending with the selection of plants and garden style. Therefore, part of the construction project is the site development plan, which precedes the analysis of the plot, assisting in obtaining permits for changes and other relevant authorizations not covered by building regulations. It outlines the execution of construction work, including the layout of both underground and above-ground elements. Based on this, functional and recreational zones can be created.

The functional zone includes parking and waste shelters, standalone garages, utility buildings, driveways, and pathways, as well as other elements that primarily enhance the functionality of the property and provide specific functions for the residents. On the other hand, the recreational zone is designed to promote well-being and relaxation. This includes the garden, gazebo, swimming pool, water feature, as well as terrace, porch, or patio. When planning the landscaping around the residence, it is important to consider the local spatial development plan or building conditions. These documents may impose certain restrictions and requirements, such as maintaining a sufficiently large biologically active area or providing a specified number of parking spaces.

The area around the residence - what should it be characterized by?

Residences can be designed in various styles, ranging from classical villas to charming old Polish manors to modernist estates. The choice of architectural style of the building naturally influences the appearance of the surrounding area. A great example of this is fencing - the fencing around a manor garden will be different from the one around a modern residence. Therefore, aesthetic consistency is very important. It is a responsible task that is worth entrusting to qualified designers. In the case of landscaping, even one poorly chosen element can spoil the overall effect.

Considering that a residence is an exclusive property, the area surrounding it should be spacious and rich in elements that emphasize its exclusive character. A large swimming pool, spacious gazebo, terrace with a fireplace, tranquil water feature, well-maintained lawn with impressive plants - such a landscape often accompanies luxury residences that are designed to provide investors with maximum comfort and functionality. In addition, pathways should be skillfully laid out to ensure good circulation. Lighting the garden is also essential, providing safety for residents in the evening and making the residence look exceptionally impressive even after dark.

What does the site development plan include?

The site development plan is also included in the construction project of a residence. It is created during the adaptation of a ready-made house project or as an integral part of an individual project. A good plan allows for skillful management of the available space, taking into account underground installations, which largely limit maneuvering room. A good example would be a swimming pool, water feature, or underground retention tank - such elements can only be placed in the ground after reviewing the plan and determining the locations of technical connections. The site development plan includes the following information:

  • Orientation of the plot, defining its boundaries, the outline of the house, and individual elements.
  • Utility network infrastructure.
  • Method of sewage disposal or treatment.
  • Waste storage area.
  • Terrain configuration and planned changes during leveling.
  • Transportation layout: driveways, pathways, sidewalks, parking spaces.
  • Fencing of the area, including the location of gates and entrances.
  • Planned layout of greenery.
  • Technological solutions, such as retention tanks, on-site wind turbines.
  • Water features: swimming pools, water features, streams.
  • Consideration of elements that may shade or obstruct neighboring plots.

The site development plan, like the construction project of the residence, must be approved by the architectural and construction department in order for the investor to obtain a building permit. The site development plan can be expanded to include a garden design.

Is it worth investing in a garden design around the residence?

A comprehensive site development plan focuses on the overall layout of zones and the arrangement of individual elements. While it includes a layout of greenery, it usually provides general information about areas that will not be paved, where there will be lawns, and where there will be dense vegetation. If you are looking for a specific garden design, it is worth opting for a project that takes into account all the details: the type of grass, the layout of the irrigation system, areas for flower beds, water features, decorative elements, and the placement of tall plants. The garden design also considers the materials and their appearance that will be used for pathways, plans the lighting layout, and incorporates other technological solutions. It serves as a comprehensive guide that allows for the step-by-step creation of an aesthetically pleasing garden that harmonizes with the style of the residence.

What choices does an investor face when landscaping the plot?

Landscaping around the residence is a highly responsible task that requires the investor to make a series of decisions. The final outcome will depend on these individual choices. One of the key decisions is selecting the primary materials, such as for the driveway, whether it will be paved with cobblestones, concrete, or natural stone. These materials should be consistent with the color scheme and style in which the residence was built.

The investor also collaborates with the designer to determine the placement of various elements, such as gates and entrances, waste storage areas, garden gazebos, or water features. Regarding the utility connections on the plot, the options for choice are limited because the contractor will largely determine the optimal path for laying out the network elements. The investor must remember that their decisions at this stage not only affect the appearance of the garden but also the cost of landscaping.

Costs of landscaping around the residence

And now we come to the costs of landscaping around the residence. These costs will depend on several factors, such as the choice of materials (for driveways, pathways, gazebos, pergolas, fencing), the number of additional elements and structures, the selection of plants, as well as whether the entire project will be carried out by a construction company or if the investor will fulfill some of the tasks themselves. For such an exclusive property as a residence, the costs will be in the tens of thousands of zlotys. On average, the costs can range from 600 to 800 PLN per square meter of the plot. The least expensive are minimalist gardens where additional elements are omitted, focusing primarily on space and simplicity.

How to efficiently and professionally landscape the plot?

Just like when building a residence, it is worth trusting qualified professionals. New House Construction Company, as part of comprehensive house construction, can prepare a site development plan and carry it out according to the investor's requirements. As part of this service, our company can create an appropriate design, construct driveways and pathways, handle the installation of individual elements, build auxiliary buildings and structures, as well as install fencing. New House can also take care of building a swimming pool or water feature, provide professional lighting installation, and other technological solutions around the house. We can assist in creating a beautiful and aesthetically pleasing garden that harmoniously complements the exclusive residence. Landscaping can be a service included in the turnkey construction of the residence.

Fencing for residences

The fencing, along with the driveway gate and pedestrian gate, serves as a distinctive feature of a residence. It should aesthetically match the architectural style of the residence as well as the garden and property grounds. Therefore, choosing the right fencing is not an easy task. A good fence should not only be elegant, but the construction materials used should also be of high quality and functional. At the same time, it should provide a sense of security for the residents. How to choose the best fencing for a residence?

How to choose the right fencing for a residence?

A residence is an exclusive home that can be built in various architectural styles. The most common ones are classical villas, old Polish manors, and in recent years, modernist estates in a minimalist style with natural materials such as natural stone or living plants. The appearance of the residence influences how the plot is landscaped, including the fencing of the property. There are many diverse ways to fence a building plot. A residence deserves an elegant and durable fence that harmonizes well with the surroundings and, at first glance, deters potential intruders who will see that the owner did not skimp on protecting their property.
Therefore, it is worthwhile to have an approximate plan for how the area around the building plot will be finished during the design phase. Part of the construction project is the site development plan, which includes marking the layout of the fence, including the location of the driveway gate and pedestrian gate. At this stage, it is not necessary to make decisions regarding the materials from which the fence will be made. However, it is important to be aware that the fencing should match the style of the residence as well as the design of the garden.

Types of fences that suit a residence

A residence is not typically fenced with ordinary wire mesh, as it would not look particularly dignified and would not provide complete security. While temporary fencing may be used during construction, the permanent fencing for a residence should be more durable and solid. Here are the most popular solutions made from various materials:

  • Wrought iron fences - are mainly made of steel, with elements hand-forged during blacksmithing. Such fences are available in various styles, making it easier to choose a fence that stylistically matches the residence. A cheaper but less durable option is ready-made metal fences made from prefabricated elements.
  • Wooden fences - a good option would be wooden fences, although the best results are achieved by combining two materials. Wooden panels, boards, or pickets can be placed as the cladding of a fence constructed with a base of concrete, stone, or metal. These versatile fences are suitable for various styles of residences. Concerned about the susceptibility of wood to moisture? Composite fences are a good alternative.
  • Concrete fences - for residences in a minimalist style, fences made of concrete blocks work exceptionally well. Between the concrete pillars, wooden panels or metal bars can be installed, although fully enclosed fences made entirely of concrete are also available.
  • Stone fences - for residences in traditional and classical styles, fences made of natural stone are an excellent choice. They look extremely elegant and impressive, although they require significant financial investment.
  • Hedge - for an old Polish manor, an elegant hedge is also worth considering. This solution is somewhat less functional due to the need for regular maintenance, but a tall and dense hedge creates an incredibly impressive form of fencing for a residence.
  • Gabion fences - a suitable solution for residences in a minimalist style. Gabions are metal cages filled with stones or gravel. This type of fencing is becoming increasingly popular due to its durability, modern appearance, and moderate cost.

Owners of residences have a wide range of interesting options to choose from, which can be incorporated into various architectural styles and tailored to their needs. An important factor, of course, is the budget. The least expensive options include gabion fences, hedges, and metal fences made from prefabricated elements. In the mid-price range, there are concrete, stone, and wooden fences. The most expensive option is handcrafted wrought iron fencing. It must be acknowledged that this is the most durable and exclusive type of fencing that perfectly complements the character of a residence.

When should you take care of fencing the property?

The site development plan included in the construction project determines the line along which the plot will be fenced. However, it is not necessary to choose a specific type of fencing at this stage of the project. Temporary fencing is needed, though, to secure the construction site. Simple metal panel fences can be used temporarily and rented for a specified period. The task of temporary fencing can also be entrusted to a construction company responsible for the comprehensive construction of the residence. After completing the construction, it is time to landscape the building plot. This is the right moment to make decisions regarding the permanent fencing, as well as the driveway gate and pedestrian gate.

What should a good property fence be characterized by?

There are several key features to consider when planning the fencing for a property. First and foremost, durability. Such a fence must be fully resistant to weather conditions such as strong winds, heavy rain, snowfall, low temperatures, and UV radiation. It should also be resistant to mechanical damage. Wrought iron fences, stone fences, gabion fences, and concrete fences excel in this aspect.

The second feature is functionality. A good fence should deter unwanted guests, including wildlife that may try to enter the property. It should also not require excessive maintenance. Wrought iron and stone fences perform well in this regard. Prefabricated metal and wooden fences, as well as concrete fences, require occasional maintenance. Hedges are less functional as they need regular trimming to maintain the desired shape.

The third feature is stylistic consistency with the residence and garden. The fence should be a visual representation of the entire property, so it is essential for it to match the surroundings. Some fences, such as wrought iron fences, are more versatile, while gabion and concrete fences are more suitable for modernist residences.

Finally, it is worth considering the fence structure itself. Homeowners often want to see what is happening on the other side of the fence. This can be achieved with openwork fences that have numerous openings. However, they are easier to breach. Solid fences provide greater privacy and better protection but do not allow visibility. A good compromise is a semi-solid fence, where a larger portion of the fence is enclosed, but openings are still present, allowing glimpses outside the property.

How to build an elegant and practical fence for a residence?

This task is best entrusted to a qualified construction company. New House is a construction company with 30 years of experience in the industry. We have had the opportunity to complete residential projects from scratch, and our collaboration with the investor also included the landscaping and fencing of the residence. We would be happy to learn about your expectations and provide advice on the most suitable type of fence in terms of durability, functionality, style, as well as the costs of purchase and installation. We can also assist in choosing suitable gates and an entrance gate. This way, a sturdy fence will be created, ensuring greater security and the desired privacy for the homeowners.

Energy-efficient solutions in a residence

Modern residences are house designs that should be characterized by functionality, high standards, and solutions that positively impact the comfort and safety of the residents. An exclusive residence also does not require high operating costs, as it is built using materials and technologies that make it more energy-efficient. Here we discuss the most popular energy-efficient solutions that are well-suited for any residence.

Charakterystyka energetyczna rezydencji

W ostatnich latach branża budowlana przechodzi różne zmiany, które mają na celu większą ochronę środowiska naturalnego i mniejsze zużycie energii z nieodnawialnych źródeł. Obowiązkowym elementem projektu budowlanego, którego powierzchnia użytkowa jest dość duża, stała się charakterystyka energetyczna, która informuje o zapotrzebowaniu domu na energię z nieodnawialnych źródeł. Zgodnie z wytycznymi wprowadzonymi w 2021 roku, zapotrzebowanie energetyczne nowych domów jednorodzinnych nie powinno być wyższe, niż 70 kWh/m2 rocznie. W przypadku domów energooszczędnych, zapotrzebowanie na energię pierwotną nie powinno przekraczać 55 kWh/m2 rocznie, natomiast w przypadku zapotrzebowania na energię do celów grzewczych nie powinno to być więcej, niż 15 kWh/m2. Wszystkie zastosowania energetyczne w budynku wymagają odpowiedniego projektu.

W Polsce coraz popularniejsze stają się także gotowe projekty domów pasywnych oraz domy zero energetyczne, które bazują na odnawialnych źródłach energii, a niskie zapotrzebowanie na energię elektryczną jest cechą charakterystyczną. Co więcej, są domy produkujące dodatkową energię, która trafia do sieci, a następnie do okolicznych domów. Rozwiązania energetyczne powinny zatem znaleźć zastosowanie w rezydencjach, które w samym założeniu są domami ekskluzywnymi i o wysokich standardach już na etapie projektowania.

Residence design: Most popular energy-efficient solutions

Are you wondering how to make your future home more energy-efficient? There are many modern systems that can effectively reduce your home's energy demand from non-renewable sources. Firstly, it is worth mentioning that the design of the house itself plays a significant role - a compact and simple structure is more energy-efficient than a complex and irregular structure with an attic. The choice of building materials and construction technology also has an impact, such as the proper thickness of external partitions. Below, we discuss energy-efficient solutions that can be implemented regardless of the factors mentioned above. Here they are:

  • High-quality windows and exterior doors - to maintain high energy performance, a residence should minimize heat loss produced by the heating system. However, the majority of heat loss occurs through windows and exterior doors. To address this, energy-efficient homes use windows and doors of the highest quality, made from premium materials. The key factor for these models is a low heat transfer coefficient - the lower, the greater the energy efficiency. For windows, a high solar heat gain coefficient is also favorable, indicating how much solar radiation enters the house as heat.
  • High-grade thermal insulation materials - good thermal insulation is the foundation of an energy-efficient building. To achieve this, the structure is insulated with a sufficiently thick layer of polystyrene or mineral wool. Proper execution of insulation work is crucial, as any errors can contribute to thermal bridging, resulting in more heat loss. Innovative insulation methods, such as polyurethane foam, which fills even the most inaccessible spaces tightly, are increasingly used in modern homes. Polyurethane foam is often used to insulate attics. For thermal insulation materials, a low heat transfer coefficient is also essential.
  • Ventilation system: mechanical ventilation - energy-efficient homes abandon gravity ventilation, which expels warm and stale air from the house and brings in fresh air due to pressure differences. A much more efficient solution is mechanical ventilation, specifically heat recovery ventilation (HRV). An HRV device is responsible for heat exchange, continuously removing "used" air and introducing fresh air from outside. Importantly, the HRV system can "isolate" heat from the exhausted air and transfer it to the incoming air, significantly reducing energy loss during ventilation. Homes with HRV often rely on emission-free heating systems, eliminating the need for a chimney and further improving energy performance. HRV with ground heat exchangers additionally heats the incoming air by passing it through the ground. In summer, this system can serve as energy-efficient air conditioning.
  • Heat pumps - heat pumps are currently considered one of the most energy-efficient heating systems and are often used in conjunction with HRV. This device utilizes simple physics processes to harness the heat available in the surroundings, amplify it, and use it to heat the home. Only a small amount of electrical energy is required for this purpose. The ratio of produced heat to consumed energy is highly favorable, making it one of the most efficient and energy-saving systems for residences. The most popular types in Poland are air-source heat pumps, air-to-water heat pumps, and ground-source heat pumps. While it is one of the more expensive systems, considering long-term savings, it is a highly cost-effective choice for residences. It is also possible to obtain financial support for heat pumps under the "My Air" program.
  • Renewable energy harvesting systems - to reduce the demand for energy from non-renewable sources, modern energy-efficient homes employ systems that guarantee energy from renewable sources. The most common solution is photovoltaics, which utilize solar radiation to generate electricity. Similarly, solar panels use solar radiation to heat domestic water. In some regions of the country, small wind turbines that harness energy from natural air movements work well. Under the "My Electricity" program, investors building energy-efficient residences can receive financial support for the mentioned systems.
  • Smart home solutions - in a modern residence, it is also beneficial to utilize intelligent systems that automate certain processes, making the home more energy-efficient. Temperature sensors play a vital role, automatically controlling air conditioning, heating systems, and ventilation to maintain optimal temperature and air quality. Motion sensors and twilight sensors are also useful, responsible for automatic switching on and off of lights. The concept of a smart home is closely linked to the development of functional and energy-efficient houses.

What do you gain by choosing energy-efficient solutions for a residence?

Energy-efficient residences offer residents greater comfort and functionality. At the same time, they are much cheaper to maintain, and annual savings from owning such a residence can amount to thousands of złoty. For this reason, many investors choose to allocate more financial resources during the construction phase to reap the benefits later on. Such homes are also more environmentally friendly and free from air pollution, which translates into the well-being and daily quality of life for residents.

Another advantage is that several programs in Poland provide financial support for the purchase and installation of energy-efficient solutions. It is worth checking the "My Electricity" and "Clean Air" programs in particular. Energy-efficient residences are also better prepared for upcoming changes and challenging times. Fossil fuels will become more expensive, and consequently, homes heated with gas, electricity, coal, or other fossil fuels will become more costly to maintain. This is evident in 2022, where coal prices are astronomical, and many regions face significant deficits in this resource. An energy-efficient residence will provide greater peace of mind and alleviate concerns about the future.

How to build an energy-efficient and practical residence?

It is worth examining ready-made residence projects or creating an individual project to consider the energy efficiency of the building. The nature of the building itself has a significant impact on energy efficiency, and the general rule is that the simpler and less complex the structure, the easier it is to achieve high energy efficiency and functionality. New House, a construction company with over 30 years of industry experience, has a wealth of experience in building energy-efficient residences. As part of a comprehensive residence construction, we can assist investors in creating the appropriate technical design, selecting the best solutions, and bringing them to life. With the help of our company, you can more easily build a practical and energy-efficient residence.

Contact us if you need professional advice on the project and the valuation of the construction of a residence.

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