
New-House | Prezentacja firmy
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Dlaczego Polacy budują domy z New-House?
Jak przebiega budowa domu z New-House?
New-House z wizytą na prowadzonych budowach
New-House | W stałym kontakcie
New-House Życzenia z okazji Świąt Bożego Narodzenia
Jak Ewa i Andrzej zbudowali dom z New-House (1)
Jak Ewa i Andrzej zbudowali dom z New-House (2)
Budowa domu - zbiór naszych wybranych realizacji
Budowa domu Hornówek pod Warszawą
Palowanie pod płytę New House
Wybór działki budowlanej
Budowa domu w Szymanowie pod Wrocławiem
Budowa domu w Olszewnicy Starej pod Warszawą
Budowa domu w Wilkszynie pod Wrocławiem
Budowa domu - Wrocław
Budowa domu w Warszawa - Włochy
Budowa domu w miejscowości Swarzędz pod Warszawą
Budowa domu w miejscowości Falenty Nowe pod Warszawą
Budowa domu w Jabłonnej pod Warszawą
Budowa domu w miejscowości Sękocin pod Warszawą
Budowa domu w miejscowości Władysławów pod Warszawą
Budowa domu w miejscowości Książenice pod Warszawą
Budowa domu w Wołominie pod Warszawą
Budowa domu w Konstancinie pod Warszawą
Budowa domu w Wilanowie w Warszawie
Budowa domu w miejscowości Strzeniówka pod Warszawą
Budowa domu w miejscowości Stara Wieś
Realizacja, dom we Wrocławiu
Realizacja, dom pod Wrocławiem
Realizacja, dom pod Wrocławiem
Budowa domu pod Łodzią
Realizacja, dom pod Poznaniem
Andrespol - budowa domu
Budynek biurowy - Ursus
Budowa domu - Brwinów
Budowa domu - Dom z widokiem - Rembertow
Budowa domu - Parcela Obory k. Konstancin Jeziorna
Budowa domu - Radość
Niebrów - budowa domu
Sewerynów - budowa domu
Budowa domu - Białołęka
Młochów pod Nadarzynem - budowa domu
Dom nowoczesny - Wiązowna
Budowa domu w Ursusie - Warszawa
Budowa domu Hornówek pod Warszawą

New-House films of single-family home construction

As a professional construction company, we value good cooperation with the client and gaining their trust by presenting the construction process as accurately as possible. This time, we have prepared New-House films that will allow us to showcase the comprehensive process of building a house with our company.

New-House has been operating in the market since 1991, during which time we have already completed over 1500 single-family homes. Our collaboration with the client is usually carried out comprehensively, allowing us to support the investor from the initial stages of realization until the completion of a beautiful, ready-to-move-in single-family home. Turnkey house construction is the main element of our offer because it ensures a peaceful execution for the client - the responsibility for building the house lies in our hands.

New-House - films of single-family home construction

Building a house with New-House is a calm, stress-free process. Our team consists of individuals with extensive specialized knowledge and significant professional experience, most of whom have been with New-House for many years - ten or even twenty. It is thanks to our trusted employees that we can deliver a solid house for you in any part of Poland. Although our work initially focused solely on construction in Warsaw, we now operate on a much broader scale - New-House has already completed homes in Poznań, Szczecin, near Wrocław, near Łódź, and many other locations.

To present you with the process of New-House construction projects, we have prepared recordings from construction sites. This allows you to observe our work process and review customer feedback on our cooperation. The specialized New-House films showcase the construction process of houses near Poznań, near Łódź, near Warsaw, in Wrocław, in Warsaw, in Wołomin, in Szymanów, and many other locations. Through these recordings, you can observe our work on the construction site and explore completed single-family homes. We also encourage you to visit the specially prepared subpage, which features photos of many of our completed single-family homes:

How does house construction with New-House proceed?

If you are interested in collaborating with New-House, you probably also want to learn about the precise realization process within the established cooperation. Our work with investors can begin even before the actual construction starts, as also shown in the New-House website films. We encourage you to watch the video 'How does house construction with New-House proceed?' which presents the entire process in a simple and accessible way.

Turnkey house construction with New-House includes the following stages:

It is worth emphasizing that New-House construction projects are covered by a ten-year warranty. This way, you gain a timely and solidly built single-family home that will serve you for many years.

Why is it worth entrusting the realization to New-House company?

As a company operating since 1991, we have completed over 1500 single-family houses. Our clients gladly recommend our services to their closest ones. Why does New-House company have such positive reviews? It results from a number of benefits that speak in favor of cooperation with us:

Thanks to building strong relationships with our clients and making every effort to ensure efficient and solid realization, New-House company has received very favorable customer reviews. Some of our clients express their opinions about the cooperation in videos made during the construction process. Many of our previous clients have also decided to provide references that you can read at the following link:

We encourage you to cooperate with New-House company. We build houses properly!


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